Idle Population  

Population not hired in the mines and, consequently, neither producing resources, nor paying taxes.

Ignore List  

The list of all users ignored by the player.

Ignored user  

A user who cannot send private messages to the player who has ignored him. Ignored users are visible in-game in Settings >> Ignore List.


Imperial mile - the unit of distance in Game of Emperors.

Imperia Online Battle Royale  

This is completely individual tournament in which the main goal is only one sole player to be left standing at the end. The tournament game time is divided into rounds and each round is divided into wartime and peacetime. Players cannot attack each other during peacetime. Attacks between players are allowed only during wartime. What is unique about this tournament is that the provinces can be destructed and other players can be annihilated. A province can be destructed when a sufficient number of successful attacks are conducted against the province, that will lower its fortress level to 0. Lost province can be annexed again, but its development will reset. A player is considered annihilated if the Fortress level in the player's Capital becomes 0. His account will be blocked and the attacker, which performed the battle leading to annihilation, will be awarded with a kill point. The elimination of the players is done automatically by the system, depending on the players' ranking position. The players know the eliminated positions for each Round ahead from the tournament's start. The main ranking is based on net worth points. Winners in the tournament will get diamonds and special medals as a reward.

For more information and to read the full version of the rules of Battle Royale, please click here.

Imperial Crypt  

The place in the Palace where all Emperors who have ruled over your Empire during the current season are commemorated.

Imperial family  

The main figures in the Palace form the Imperial family. It includes the imperial couple (the Emperor and the Empress), their children along with sons-in-law and daughters-in-law and their grandchildren and great-grandchildren - up until the third generation of descendants.

For more information about the Imperial family click here.

Imperial Games  

This tournament has 3 editions - spring, summer and winter. Alliances participating in the Games compete in different disciplines covering various aspects of the game. The disciplines are not known in advance and are being announced shortly before each one begins. If a member leaves the alliance his score will be subtracted from the alliance score for the current discipline. If he joins another alliance his score will be added to the score of the new alliance. At the end of each discipline the top 10 alliances get points. Winner of the Games is the alliance with the most points won from disciplines. Winners in the tournament will get diamonds and special medals as a reward.

For more information and to read the full version of the rules of Imperial Games, please click here.

Imperial Merchant  

A Marketplace feature that allows you to sell wood, iron and stone for gold instantly for a 850 diamond commission. The Imperial Merchant capacity is global, meaning that if you have 10 provinces with 1 million Marketplace capacity each, you will be able to sell 10 million at once from one province. The Imperial Merchant capacity is also separate, meaning that if your Marketplace capacity is 20 000 and you currently have a pending offer on the Market for 10 000 resource, you will be able to sell 20 000 via Imperial Merchant instead of 10 000. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Imperial route  

Special infrastructure facilities that connect all annexed provinces and Indestructible colonies (they have the function of annexed provinces). Every level grants 10% raise to the actually used trade potential between the two adjacent provinces.

Imperial transport  

Moving resources between annexed provinces within the Empire's borders (the exclusive zone of the player). It is conducted via Caravan Station. The amount of shipped resources depends on Caravan Station's capacity of the province of origin. When maximum level of Caravan Station is reached, you can transport all available resources at once.Only wood, iron and stone can be transported; gold is stashed only in the capital and cannot be moved from there. In peaceful times Imperial transport can be performed instantly, while under attack* it takes 2.5 minutes between adjacent provinces and 2.5 minutes are added for every province on.

*There is the following exception: The instant transport is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Imperial Worker  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Increases the Happiness limit. Level 1: +2 Happiness limit; Level 2: +4 Happiness limit; Level 3: +6 Happiness limit; Level 4: +8 Happiness limit; Level 5: +12 Happiness limit


"Food" for the population, imported from Farms with surplus of food, to Farms which lack of "food".

Improved recycling  

Military technology which increases the reimbursement on resources when disbanding soldiers by 1% per level. There is also alliance technology Improved recycling that increases the reimbursement on resources when disbanding alliance soldiers, using the same logic.
Both the personal and alliance technologies can be researched to level 10.


What the Empire earns via production, taxes, interests, loots, pillages etc.

Independent Castle  

A castle not controlled by any alliance. The independent castle has fortress 8, garrisoned archers and field army, visible by clicking on the castle. The fortress level doesn't drop by one after each successful attack, it remains 8. The castle is conquered when less than 1000 military units are left in it. The fortress in the recently conquered castle has to be built again starting from level 1.

For more information about the independent castles and its conquest click here.

Independent city  

Independent holding from the exclusive zone of the player or from the Global map which can be conquered in two ways: turned into vassals or annexed. While independent, they can be looted for resources unlimited times. There are ten levels of independent cities according to their development and defending army, and the first four are within the borders of the exclusive zone.

For more information about independent cities click here,here and here.

Indestructible colony  

A colony that cannot be destroyed by enemy attacks. To make your colony indestructible you have to upgrade its fortress to level 8 and protect the holding from demolishment during 7 days.
Once indestructible, the colony has the same functions as annexed provinces. Its fortress doesn't drop a level upon successful enemy siege and you can reconstruct it by paying the necessary resource amount instead of building the level again.

Note: Indestructible colonies can still be disassembled by their owner.

Indigenous Barbarians  

A Barbarian Tribe.
The Indigenous Barbarians are local savages, that live in the Exclusive Zone of an Empire. There is only one Indigenous Tribe in each Exclusive Zone. If destroyed, the Tribe will respawn each day until there is no available space left in the Zone, or until the player reaches 1 Million Points.
The Indigenous Barbarians have an army composition geared towards seizing enemy forts and cities, with little Cavalry and abundance of Infantry.
The reward for defeating an Indigenous Camp is resources.


Common designation of all human kind military units specifically trained for the role of fighting on foot.
Infantry units are: swordsmen, spearmen and archers.

Infantry Assault Limit  

The Infantry Assault Limit determines the maximum number of Melee Infantry units in the Assault Line that can attack a particular Fortress simultaneously during a Fortress Assault.

The Infantry Assault Limit prioritizes Swordsmen over Spearmen, and units of the same type are prioritized in descending order of Attack rating.

For personal fortresses, The Infantry Assault Limit is equal to 3 times the Base Garrison of the attacked Fortress, as follows:

Level 1 Fortress: 165 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 2 Fortress: 330 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 3 Fortress: 660 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 4 Fortress: 1 320 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 5 Fortress: 2 640 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 6 Fortress: 5 280 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 7 Fortress: 10 560 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 8 Fortress: 21 120 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 9 Fortress: 42 240 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 10 Fortress: 84 480 Infantry Assault Limit

For alliance fortresses, The Infantry Assault Limit is equal to 5 times the Base Garrison of the attacked Fortress, as follows:

Level 1 Fortress: 2 750 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 2 Fortress: 5 500 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 3 Fortress: 11 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 4 Fortress: 22 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 5 Fortress: 44 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 6 Fortress: 88 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 7 Fortress: 176 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 8 Fortress: 352 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 9 Fortress: 704 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 10 Fortress: 1 408 000 Infantry Assault Limit
Level 11 Fortress: 2 816 000 Infantry Assault Limit

Infantry Barracks  

Military Building.
Type: Local, Training
Prerequisite Technologies: Military Doctrine 1, Melee Attack 1
Maximum Level: 20

Allows the training and upgrade of Swordsmen and Spearmen. Each level increases the Training Capacity of the building.

Units that can be trained include:
- Light Spearman
- Heavy Spearman
- Phalanx
- Heroic spearman
- Light Swordsman
- Heavy Swordsman
- Guardian
- Heroic swordsman

Infantry Commander  

One of the skills available to Generals upon leveling up. Increases the Attack of all Spearmen and Swordsmen units. Level 1: +2% Attack; Level 2: +4% Attack; Level 3: +6% Attack; Level 4: +10% Attack; Level 5: +15% Attack

Infantry Instructor  

One of the skills available to Governors upon leveling up. Decreases the Training time for all Spearmen and Swordsmen units. Level 1: -5% Training time; Level 2: -10% Training time; Level 3: -15% Training time; Level 4: -20% Training time; Level 5: -30% Training time


When a number of Spies have reached the destination of an Espionage Mission, they will stand by until issued an Infiltration order. The success of an Infiltration depends on the comparative number of Spies on both sides, as well as the Espionage level of the attacker, and the Counterespionage level of the defender.

A successful Infiltration will generate a Spy Report. The Spies will remain in the enemy Holding awaiting further orders.

A failed Infiltration will destroy 20% of the Spies attempting infiltration, and the surviving Spies will be expelled, returning to the Holding the Espionage Mission has been issued from.


The building, in which the player can recover his lost units in battle. For more information about the Infirmary read here.

Influence range  

The alliance influence seen as overall territory on the map.

Instant arrival  

An option available for all players - Premium and regular, which allows immediate ending of moving army missions between annexed provinces instead of waiting the required time. Instant arrival is available in peaceful times. In case of enemy's attack the sovereign cannot use it*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant attack  

Instantly conducting the battle against an independent city in your exclusive zone. The option requires 170 diamonds for a single battle and implies that the army will reach the target, fight and return back immediately. Instant attack is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant colonization  

An option which finishes immediately the travel of the colonizers to the desired colony terrain for 510 diamonds per hour unless your empire is under attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant colony transport  

Аn option which unloads the moving supply wagons, either transporting resources or just traveling, to, from and between colonies immediately unless your empire is under attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant construction  

It finishes the construction right away and allows you to start the exploitation of the building immediately. The option is paid in diamonds and is valid just for buildings with less than 24 construction hours left. One construction hour requires 170 diamonds. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.
The buildings which construction time is less than 15 minutes and do not require diamonds for instant construction will be shortened right upon release.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant Imperial transport  

An option available for all players - Premium and regular, which finishes the transport mission between provinces, colonies, trading and military posts immediately instead of waiting the required time. Instant transportation is available just in peaceful times. While under attack the sovereign cannot use it*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant research  

Finishing a research earlier. The option is paid in diamonds and is valid just for researches with less than 6 hours left*. One research hour requires 510 diamonds. The option is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack**.

* This is a basic limit. The higher the development, the net worth points and the number of diamonds spent for instant research, the higher the limit gets.

**There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Instant training  

Completing the training of a group of units immediately. If the number of units in training and currently owned soldiers is under 5000 you can use the option for free. Otherwise, you will need diamonds. Only the first training group in the queue in one province and one barrack can be instantly trained. Every group below 6 remaining hours requires 170 diamonds. Instantly training one group implies recalculation of the other queued groups' remaining times. Instant training is not available while the Empire is under enemy attack*.

*There is the following exception: This option is unlocked under attack when there is a drastic difference between the golden equivalent of the attacker's army and the gold equivalent of the net worth points of the defender.

Intelligence unit  

See spy.


Produced by population hired in the iron mines. Iron is required in bigger quantities mainly for army recruitment and Military Technologies.
Gold equivalent: 1 iron = 1 gold

Iron Mine  

Economic Building.
Type: Local, Production
Prerequisite Technologies: Architecture 1
Maximum Level: 35

Allows the production of Iron resource. Each level increases the Worker Capacity of the building.

Item stack  

An option that allows multiple items with a small effect of the same type to be combined into one (or several) item/s with a greater effect. There are 3 groups of items that can be stacked:
- items for time reduction - applies to items containing 1, 5 and 10 minutes of reduction;
- items for Experience - applies to items containing 100, 200, and 500 experience points;
- premium items - applies to items containing 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours.
In order for the stacking option to appear (in the Inventory menu), it is necessary for the player to have a minimum number of items from each group:
- the total duration of time reduction items should be at least 1 hour.
- the total number of points from experience items must be no less than 2000
- the total duration of the [[218]premium items must be no less than 24 hours.


Boosters with a positive effect on various game features. Some items have expiration time.
Here is how you can receive items:

- coming out victorious in attack or in defense against another player or barbarian camp and in a successful attack on an independent city
- from Tournaments
- from Alliance Premium
- from special diamond offers in the game
- as a gift on special occasions
- by completing Acts of ruling
- from participation in the previous season of the same the realm
- by ranking in top 100 during Global events
- as a reward for the development of a friend you invited to join the game

Items can also be purchased from the Imperial Shop which you will find on the right side of the village map. All of your items are stored in the Items section of the Inventory menu. There is an option called Item Stack. Stacking up many small items of the same type allows you to have fewer items of the same type but with greater effect. To have the menu available, you need to have a minimum number of items. Non-expiring items you have not used get transferred automatically to the next season of the realm.