
Common word for all participants in the military development of one Empire, soldiers and engines. Units can be classified in various ways, as it follows:
- according to their strength and efficiency - light, heavy, elite and heroic;
- according to their physical nature – soldiers and siege engines;
- according to the way of movement – infantry and cavalry;
- according to the way of engaging enemy troopsranged and melee;
- according to their field of activity - military and non-military.

Unit Range  

Ranged units' fire jet.

Unit upgrade  

Turning a lower class units into higher class units of the same type if you have the required research levels. You can upgrade light and/or heavy units to elite units of the same type in the fourth tab of each barracks building. You don't need population for that. The upgrade cost is the difference between the total price of the higher class units and the total price of the lower class units. The training time is the one of the higher class units. Siege engines and spies cannot be upgraded. If you dispose of enough resources you can upgrade all your remaining free training groups at once, but don't forget they will still be queued.


The symbol of knowledge and enlightenment along with the Military University and Academy of Sciences. University, available only in the capital, is the building where all Economic Technologies are developed. Its levels decrease the Research Time by 0.5 times per level from the basic time and the price by 0.02 times per level. Level 20 allows the construction of Academy of Sciences.


Unit's parameter determining the wage one unit requires per hour for staying on duty in your Empire/colony/military post or for being on a mission. It is automatically subtracted from capital's available gold. If you don't have gold or if it's insufficient, your army generates negative gold. Fortress garrisons do not require upkeep. The upkeep of a traveling army is higher than the normal one. While on a mission, it requires 1,2 times bigger upkeep than while being in the empire.

* In case the bonuses to the upkeep of the army exceed 90%, they will have maximum effect of 90%.

For more information about upkeep click here and here.


The name a player registers with and automatically becoming the name of his Empire. Registering a username in one of the realms in Game of Emperors reserves you the right to use the same username in all realms.

Username Change  

An option that is available in Settings and allows you to change the username of your account for the duration of the current season in a chosen realm. The change is possible during the first 3 days from the beginning of the season in realms with speed x4 and 12 hours in realms with speed x10. In order for you to use it, the following conditions have to be met:
- The new username has to be free i.e. there shouldn't be another account already registered with the same name.
- The option is payed with diamonds.
- A username change can be requested only by the owner of the account. The option is not available trough the babysitting module.
- The new username has to be approved by the administration. It becomes visible in the game only when approved.
- In case the requested username was rejected, the diamonds spent for sending the request will be returned in the account and the owner will be informed by a message from Gamemaster.